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Who we are

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Sports & Spaces Ltd was established in 2012 as an independent sports surface and landscape construction design consultancy. We take a holistic and sustainable approach to defining, designing and delivering complex land drainage and landscape construction solutions.


Our team focuses on providing an excellent client experience at every ‘touch point’ of the project. We have clear communication strategies in place to ensure we incorporate client input at every stage of the process. In our role as Delivery Partner, we collaborate with our clients to ensure fulfilment of their project objectives.


Our projects principally involve ‘public realm’ green infrastructure objectives. All design and construction services we provide are also transferable to private clients (e.g. sports and leisure clubs, construction companies, landowners, etc).


We are chartered environmentalists and certified soil and water engineers. Ecological and sustainable development practices are incorporated at the ‘design’ and ‘deliver’ (construction) phase of every project. This ensures our projects provide environmental enhancements with no detriment to the site or surrounding areas.


These may include:


  •   Sustainable urban drainage (SUDS)

  •   Atmospheric CO2 sequestration and storage

  •   Water harvesting (where grey water reuse is desirable)

  •   Installation of our unique Carbon GrassTM (available only from Sports & Spaces Ltd)

  •   Bespoke landscape planting schemes

  •   Soil handling

  •   Best practice strategies

  •   Zero waste to landfill


We are committed to handing over the project site in a better environmental condition than we found it, particularly in regard to brownfield site remediation and re-purposing agricultural land.